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Equipment Information

Corporate Information

Owners Personal Information (If Less Than 3 Years In Business / Proprietorship)

Additional Personal and Commercial Documentation

Personal Net Worth Statement
Balance Owing

Consent to Collection, Use and Disclosure of Personal Information and Accuracy
The undersigned certifies the above information to be true and correct. By signing below, I consent and authorize eLease Financial Corporation and its representatives and affiliates, to obtain, verify, use, communicate with, receive from, and disclose to third parties relevant to credit analysis and lease administration (including but not limited to credit reporting agencies, credit exchanges, leasing brokers and credit grantors) any of my credit, financial and personal information that eLease Financial Corporation deems necessary to consider, complete, service or enforce any lease, ancillary deed or transaction, including but not limited to assignments and securitizations. If eLease Financial Corporation declines this application, it may periodically review it at any time to reconsider its decision or to offer me other products or services. I understand and consent to this application being held on file by eLease Financial Corporation for the above purposes, as well as for statistical analysis. If I wish a copy of the official privacy policy, I may request same from eLease Financial Corporation.
SIGNATURE: _________________*